Börjar känna av hur mörkret tar kål på mig

Ju senare på kvällen, ju mörkare, ju dystrare blir mitt humör.
Nästa fredag är det i alla fall dags för läkarbesök, ser fram emot det!

"Har du någonsin stått i en folkmassa men ändå känt dig ensam?"

Do you think about
Everything you've been through
You never thought you'd be so depressed
Are you wondering
Is it life or death
Do you think that there's no one like you

We are
We are
We are
We are the ones
We get knocked down
We get back up and stand above the crowd

We are one
We are the ones
We get knocked down
We get back up and stand above the crowd
We are one

The life I think about
Is so much better than this
I never thought I'd be stuck in this mess
I'm sick of wondering
Is it life or death
I need to figure out who's behind you


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